David Anderson


  • Date Taken: 07/31/2020
  • Time Of Day: Midday
  • Method: Casting
  • Species: Largemouth
  • Water Type: Lake
  • County: Ingham County

I was at my brothers lake house and had never fished it before so I decided to take his kayak out and give it a go. One of my best friends was with me, and he took out the other kayak just to paddle around and observe. I started out throwing a jig underneath the lay downs, working my way around the shoreline of the lake. I was having success in terms of numbers but not size. It was still fun though, and it allowed me to at least gain information of where some fish were hanging out at that time of day. Eventually I lost my jig on a log and because I was in a kayak, I only brought a few things. Man am I glad I brought a chartreuse willow bladed spinner that day. I switched to that and within 10 casts this monster latched on. Instantly, over my shoulder to my friend I said “oh this is a better fish”. He gave me the fight of my life in that kayak. Pulled me around, turned the kayak, diving underneath the kayak. It had more runs and dives than any bass I’ve ever fought. At one point my buddy paddles over and grabbed my paddle so I wouldn’t have to deal with trying to not let it fall in the water. I knew this fish was big but I had no idea how big he was till I finally got him up to the surface and carefully reached in and lipped him. As soon as I pulled him out of the water, it absolutely shocked me how big he actually was and I went crazy. Also, as soon as I pulled him out my spinner popped right out without me touching it. One wrong move during that fight and he would have been gone. My buddy was able to take great pictures and document everything right after the catch. We got her to shore to get some measurements, weight, and pictures then I successfully released her back in to the lake. Hopefully someone else catches her again for the time of their lives as well. I couldn’t ask for a better story, especially for my first time fishing in a kayak and on my brothers lake!